Hiya bloggers, I am so sorry that I have been missing in action. I am working now and it is taking me a bit of time to adjust and I don't seem to have a moment to spare and blogging has been one of my casualty's!
Crafting has also taken a bit of a back seat, although I have been continuing my commissions there has been no time for crafting for fun! I do have a few things lined up so I will be back with some crafty show and tell soon.
I thought I would just share my recent break, last week was my birthday (yup 21 again!) so Mr Wonka and I had a few days away.
We started off in the Isle of Wight where we stayed here:
It was right on the sea front and this is our view from our breakfast table.
We just spent a few days doing typical tourist things, including a trip to Osbourne House, some crazy golf, some delicious sea food restaurants and the odd ice cream!
We then went away to a lovely secluded wood cabin
complete with our own hot tub & sauna! It was heaven!
We are home now and feel thoroughly refreshed and ready for our busy lives again!
I will pop back soon and show you some of the fantastic home made birthday cards I have received!
See you soon xxx

Sunday, 16 September 2012
Monday, 6 August 2012
Better late than never!!!
Just a super speedy post to share with you some pics from our Jubilee party! I thought I had blogged them but have just realised that I hadn't!
Here is the food table:
This is Mums inflatable corgi:
The garden ready for action:
The kids goody bags:
The BBQ station, Mr Wonka's territory!
As you can imagine a fun day was had by all!!!
I'll be back soon with some cards! x
Here is the food table:
This is Mums inflatable corgi:
The garden ready for action:
The kids goody bags:
The BBQ station, Mr Wonka's territory!
As you can imagine a fun day was had by all!!!
I'll be back soon with some cards! x
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Penny Black Christmas Stamp Stack Days!
You may or may not have noticed that I have not been doing my Penny Black classes since the beginning of the year well I am missing them and hoping that you are too!
I now have a job and although I only work 2-3 days a week I am really tired so have decided that evening classes are a bit of a struggle for me. So after some badgering I have decided that I will be doing two separate "Penny Black Christmas Stamping Stack" days, it will basically be the equivalent of three classes in just a day! So you will make 9 cards all with Penny Black images, and a mix of papers and other products. Both days will be different projects so you could get 18 Christmas cards done and dusted!
Here are the details:
Dates: Saturday 13th October & Saturday 17th November
Time: 10am - 5pm
Location: My House! (Maximum 6 people so don't dilly dally!)
Included: Minimum 9 projects (per day) and all products to complete them & envelopes. Refreshments and a light lunch. (maybe a cupcake too!)
Price: £30 per day (equivalent of 3 evening classes)
What do I bring? Your preferred colouring medium, basic tool kit & your adhesives of choice.
How do I book & pay? Just drop me a line and reserve your place, payment would need to be made in advance. I would need payment for the first day by 1st October and then payment for the second day by 4th November. This will be non refundable if cancellation is made less then 10 days before, unless of course I can fill your place.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
June Scrapclub Single Page Layout
The sun has got his hat on Hip Hip Hip Hooray the sun has got his hat on and he's coming out to play! Isn't it glorious! Am trying to get all my jobs done so I can have a little lay in the garden later!
I just wanted to pop on and show you the single page lay out that I made for our June Scrapclub class. I have used Twitterpated paper and fabric with matching buttons. I even got the sewing machine out, that doesn't happen very often!
I also noticed that I missed the lovely Victoria off of my journaling, sorry about that Vic........
Natalie and I run the scrapclub once a month on a Monday evening in Maidenbower, Crawley, any ability is welcome and we love to see new faces so get in touch if you would like to come along.
See you soon. xxx
I just wanted to pop on and show you the single page lay out that I made for our June Scrapclub class. I have used Twitterpated paper and fabric with matching buttons. I even got the sewing machine out, that doesn't happen very often!
I also noticed that I missed the lovely Victoria off of my journaling, sorry about that Vic........
Natalie and I run the scrapclub once a month on a Monday evening in Maidenbower, Crawley, any ability is welcome and we love to see new faces so get in touch if you would like to come along.
See you soon. xxx
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Poorly Olive!
Whilst I was away living the life of riley in Vienna, Mr Wonka was at home nursing a poorly Olive. On the day that I went he came home from work to be greeted by our neighbour saying that Olive was in her back garden and not able to use her leg :(
He rushed her to the vets and they removed two teeth from her leg. She had obviously been in a fight a few days before and her leg had become badly infected. Mr Wonka hadn't told me as he didn't want me to worry. It took her a couple of weeks before she could use it again but she is now fighting fit. Unless I ask her how her poorly leg is then she lifts it again and looks towards the treat tin........Naughty Olive!
He rushed her to the vets and they removed two teeth from her leg. She had obviously been in a fight a few days before and her leg had become badly infected. Mr Wonka hadn't told me as he didn't want me to worry. It took her a couple of weeks before she could use it again but she is now fighting fit. Unless I ask her how her poorly leg is then she lifts it again and looks towards the treat tin........Naughty Olive!
Monday, 9 July 2012
(AT LAST) Stampin' Up! Vienna Incentive Trip day 4
Firstly my apologies for the rather long delay in day 4 of my trip to Vienna, I have started my new job and am not sure where the time is going. I could understand it if I was working full time but I only work two days a week!!!!
My trip to Vienna seems like forever ago now but I think I can just about remember what we got up to. On day four (Saturday) Natalie, Jo, Victoria, Julie, Tracey and I went to the Prater theme park where we went on the famous Wiener Riesenrad which is a bit like the London eye, but looks like it is made of Macarno.
Here is a picture of us all as it went round, it was rather high up and not great when people moved around.
The views were fantastic though and you could see right across Vienna. It was worth the wobbly ride to see this.
There were lots of theme park rides there, here is Natalie, Julie, Jo & Victoria just about to get on the water ride. I wish I had joined them, it was sooooooooo hot!
Then Natalie decided that she wanted to go on the Prater tower, basically a carousel about 100 feet in the air! As you can imagine I declined and Victoria went on it with her. She was a little green afterwards but assures me that it was brilliant! I'll trust her on that one!
After the theme park we all split up and I took Natalie to the ice cream shop that she had missed out on whilst she was on the Segway tour, we then took a stroll back to the hotel, stopping to grab a few souvenirs on the way.
Once we got back to the hotel we were presented with the "March for Tolerance" (Gay Pride) march right outside the front of our hotel.
It was a real party so we cancelled our dinner plans and had room service and plonked ourselves in the window and watched the parade, we had a ball!
After the march we headed to the leaving meet up and finished off the evening with a trip to the bar!
Day 5 consisted of getting up, getting to the airport and coming home.It truly was a trip of a lifetime and I am so pleased that I had the chance to go along (Thank you Natalie/Boss!). I spent time with one of my best friends and made some great fantastic new ones! Memories were made that will never be forgotten and I hope that you have enjoyed me sharing it with you.
My trip to Vienna seems like forever ago now but I think I can just about remember what we got up to. On day four (Saturday) Natalie, Jo, Victoria, Julie, Tracey and I went to the Prater theme park where we went on the famous Wiener Riesenrad which is a bit like the London eye, but looks like it is made of Macarno.
Here is a picture of us all as it went round, it was rather high up and not great when people moved around.
The views were fantastic though and you could see right across Vienna. It was worth the wobbly ride to see this.
There were lots of theme park rides there, here is Natalie, Julie, Jo & Victoria just about to get on the water ride. I wish I had joined them, it was sooooooooo hot!
Then Natalie decided that she wanted to go on the Prater tower, basically a carousel about 100 feet in the air! As you can imagine I declined and Victoria went on it with her. She was a little green afterwards but assures me that it was brilliant! I'll trust her on that one!
After the theme park we all split up and I took Natalie to the ice cream shop that she had missed out on whilst she was on the Segway tour, we then took a stroll back to the hotel, stopping to grab a few souvenirs on the way.
Once we got back to the hotel we were presented with the "March for Tolerance" (Gay Pride) march right outside the front of our hotel.
It was a real party so we cancelled our dinner plans and had room service and plonked ourselves in the window and watched the parade, we had a ball!
After the march we headed to the leaving meet up and finished off the evening with a trip to the bar!
Day 5 consisted of getting up, getting to the airport and coming home.It truly was a trip of a lifetime and I am so pleased that I had the chance to go along (Thank you Natalie/Boss!). I spent time with one of my best friends and made some great fantastic new ones! Memories were made that will never be forgotten and I hope that you have enjoyed me sharing it with you.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Stampin' Up! Vienna Incentive Trip Day 3
Good afternoon all, you will be pleased to know that I survived my first day in my new job! A bit of a culture shock getting up at 6.45am but I think I am going to enjoy it.
Right onto Vienna day 3, today we had the day to ourselves as it was the gala dinner in the evening. Nat and I had a bit of a lay in then had a wander around the city centre, I found a beautiful handbag but the £3000 price tag was just out of reach!
Natalie and 12 others were doing the city tour on Segways this afternoon so we split up and I spent a very enjoyable afternoon with the lovely Victoria. We just had a look in the shops and took in the sites. The architecture was out of this world.
This was my favorite building, the Zanoni & Zanoni ice cream shop!
I had vanilla, strawberry & chocolate, it was delicious!
Victoria had a cherry brandy sundae, she did zig zag a bit when trying to walk after!
We then spotted this famous brown van and Victoria thought she would see if there was an order for her in the back, nothing for her today :( (FYI all Stampin' Up! orders are delivered by UPS)
We then decided it was time to plod back to the hotel, I was convinced that I knew the way and convinced Vic to believe me, an hour later and 3km away from the hotel we admitted defeat and got a taxi......oops! Then look what we spotted............
the group on the segways! They looked as though they were having a blast!
We then popped to the hospitality room for a cool drink and a few sweeties. This is the view from the window:
Then it was off to make myself beautiful for the Gala dinner, which as you can imagine took some time.
We got ready and had to be in reception for 6.30, we were then informed that we would be arriving by carriage.
Can you see their little red hats? This is so they don't burn their ears, how cute is that!
- After about 15 minutes we arrived at the beautiful Kunsthistorisches Museum

It was such a beautiful building and we were greeted by a trio of musicians. After various photo opportunities the master of ceremony called us to dinner.
The dining room was out of this world, high ceilings and beautifully laid tables (I forgot to take a picture!) Just when we thought it couldn't get any better our entertainment arrived.
We were privileged to have a private audience with the Viennese boys choir. I have attached a video I took but am not sure if it will do the experience any justice.
It was the highlight of my trip and a real once in a lifetime experience. The sound was so pure made even more special by the acoustics of the building.
After dinner we then had a private tour of the museum and then back to the hotel. You probably thought that we all sat in silence taking in our evening.....well you would be wrong, in all our finery we all legged it to the bar on the corner to watch the end of the England v Sweden game!
I think I have gone on for long enough today, I will be back soon with day 4! I'm off for a lay down, this going out to work thing is quite tiring!
Thanks for reading xxx
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Stampin' Up! Vienna Incentive Trip Day 2
After a little bit of a restless night I woke and headed down to breakfast, which as you can imagine was yum yum pigs bum! We then met everyone in the lobby for our group activity which was going to Schönbrunn palace, it was a little bit out of the city but not too far, you can read all about it here if you would like to. This is the view as you walk in:
stunning isn't it, here are the horse and carradges. The whole of vienna is so clean and tidy they even have little bags under the horses bums to catch the plop! Genius invention.
We then had a tour around the palace, it was beautiful, unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures :(
After the palace tour we had a little stroll in the glorious sunshine and were taken to this room:
where we discoverd we would be apple strudle making, complete with apron and hat!
I think it suits me........lol
The strudle master then showed us how to do it and we were off! You had to roll the dough out then pop it on your knuckles and spin it around like a pizza base. I must confess that I messed mine up and had to start again :( here is the finished article though:
and here is Natalies, more like a wrap than a strudle but it came out okay in the end.
After strudle making we went for a walk around the gardens, aren't they stunning! It was a real scorching day too. After the gardens we went and collected our strudels.
I'm not sure what happened but it looked okay when I left it LOL!
After out wonderful trip we went and relaxed in the hospitality room. This room was like a sweet factory!
They had brought over lots of different American sweets we were allowed to fill our boxes everyday and snack on as many as we wanted, so I stayed there till it was time to fly home! Not really, although it was tempting.
In the evening a few of us went out to an Austrian restaurant, where we had a lovely time.
Then it was a short stroll back to the hotel for a cold drink and ice cream on the hotel terrace.
When we finally got back to the room, Natalie had received another pillow present a FAB oven glove and tea towel made using Stampin' Up! fabric. (Pic pinched from the lovely Jules blog, thanks love, Nurfty Nurf!)
That is the definition of a show tea towel! Then it was off to the land of nod!
I may not be back tomorrow as I am starting a new job, I will be back Friday and tell you all about it.
stunning isn't it, here are the horse and carradges. The whole of vienna is so clean and tidy they even have little bags under the horses bums to catch the plop! Genius invention.
We then had a tour around the palace, it was beautiful, unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures :(
After the palace tour we had a little stroll in the glorious sunshine and were taken to this room:
where we discoverd we would be apple strudle making, complete with apron and hat!
I think it suits me........lol
The strudle master then showed us how to do it and we were off! You had to roll the dough out then pop it on your knuckles and spin it around like a pizza base. I must confess that I messed mine up and had to start again :( here is the finished article though:
and here is Natalies, more like a wrap than a strudle but it came out okay in the end.
After strudle making we went for a walk around the gardens, aren't they stunning! It was a real scorching day too. After the gardens we went and collected our strudels.
I'm not sure what happened but it looked okay when I left it LOL!
After out wonderful trip we went and relaxed in the hospitality room. This room was like a sweet factory!
They had brought over lots of different American sweets we were allowed to fill our boxes everyday and snack on as many as we wanted, so I stayed there till it was time to fly home! Not really, although it was tempting.
In the evening a few of us went out to an Austrian restaurant, where we had a lovely time.
Then it was a short stroll back to the hotel for a cold drink and ice cream on the hotel terrace.
When we finally got back to the room, Natalie had received another pillow present a FAB oven glove and tea towel made using Stampin' Up! fabric. (Pic pinched from the lovely Jules blog, thanks love, Nurfty Nurf!)
That is the definition of a show tea towel! Then it was off to the land of nod!
I may not be back tomorrow as I am starting a new job, I will be back Friday and tell you all about it.
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